Protein-Rich Snacks for Healthy Kids

Protein-Rich Snacks for Healthy Kids

Preparing tasty yet healthy snacks for children can be a challenging affair for many mothers. Kids can not only be picky eaters, but these days, they tend to prefer junk foods like French fries, burgers, pizza, and instant noodles over homemade dishes. So, have a look at this specially curated list of protein-rich snacks for kids that will keep them full for long and also provide essential nutrients. Plus, these snacks can enhance your child’s energy and strength in no time! Roasted chickpeas Chickpeas are a healthy option for kids when it comes to snacking. It is rich in protein and low in sodium. Moreover, chickpeas also have a high antioxidant content to prevent many diseases. You require 150g chickpeas, one tablespoon lime juice, three tablespoon olive oil, two tablespoons cumin powder, 1/2 tablespoon each of garlic powder and paprika, and salt to prepare this dish. Bake overnight-soaked chickpeas for 25 minutes at 400°F. Now, take all the other ingredients in a bowl, add the baked chickpeas to it, and bake it again for 15 minutes at 350°F. When the chickpeas turn golden brown, serve the mix to your kids. Broccoli cheese bites Broccoli cheese bites are also one of the favorite protein-rich snacks for kids.
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Foods that Can Help Lower Cholesterol Levels

Foods that Can Help Lower Cholesterol Levels

Cholesterol is a kind of fat made by the liver. It is also present in some of the foods that we eat. There are two types of cholesterol, good cholesterol and bad cholesterol (LDL). An increased LDL level raises your risk of heart disease and stroke. There are some cholesterol-lowering foods that boost good cholesterol (HDL). Some of these are: Legumes Legumes also known as pulses include beans, peas, and lentils. It can lower LDL levels in the body. Legumes contain a lot of fiber, minerals, and protein and replacing refined grains and processed red meat in your diet with legumes will lower your cholesterol level. Avocados One of the cholesterol-lowering foods, avocados are a rich source of monosaturated fats and fiber. Avocados help lower LDL and increase HDL. Clinical studies have shown that avocados have cholesterol-lowering effects. Nuts Nuts especially walnuts and almonds are rich in cholesterol-lowering fats and fiber as well as minerals and have long been known as one of the cholesterol-lowering foods. Fatty fish Fatty fish such as salmon and mackerel contain omega-3 fatty acids. Omega-3 increases HDL and lowers inflammation and stroke risk. Oats and barley Whole grains such as oats and barley contain beta-glucans, a soluble fiber that lowers LDL.
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Low Sugar Snacks for Diabetes Patients

Low Sugar Snacks for Diabetes Patients

A person with diabetes must manage their blood sugar levels. One way of doing this is by managing their diet. Low sugar snacks are high in protein, fiber, and good fat. Here are some low sugar snacks for diabetics: Roasted pumpkin seeds Savory or spicy, one can try roasted pumpkin seeds, as it is one of the good options for low sugar snacks for diabetics. It also contains zero sugar, fiber and protein. Cheddar cheese crisps One can enjoy this protein-rich zero-sugar cheddar cheese crisps as one of the low sugar snacks for diabetics. Use them as toppings, pair them with fruit, or enjoy them as chips. Olive oil gourmet almonds Almonds roasted in olive oil have zero-sugar and loads of fiber and protein. One can pair them with cheese and unsweetened dried fruit for an easy appetizer or stand-alone snack. Roasted and salted pistachios Roasted pistachios are an excellent low sugar snack for diabetics. They are rich in protein, fiber, and good fat. Greek yogurt Low sugar Greek yogurt is another one of the good low sugar snacks for diabetics. It contains natural sugar and protein. Grapefruit Grapefruit can be listed among the low sugar snacks for diabetics, as it provides all the antioxidants of a citrus fruit in a juicier form.
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Dietary Tips for Schizophrenia

Dietary Tips for Schizophrenia

Food plays a vital role in our lives. We eat not only for sustenance but also for pleasure. Eating healthy has always been considered good, especially for schizophrenia patients, as they are prone to many ailments. Eating habits or preferences change when schizophrenia is diagnosed and is in the initial stages. This is to prevent metabolic abnormalities, weight gains, etc. Here are some dietary tips for schizophrenia patients. Fruits Fruits are loaded with vitamins, so having at least two servings of fruits per day is not only one of the best dietary tips for schizophrenia patients but for everyone. Fruits are very nutritious and fibrous; one can have pears, strawberries, avocado, apples, raspberries, and bananas. Fiber helps in digestion and helps to prevent cholesterol-related issues. A fiber-rich diet also lowers schizophrenia-related ailments, such as obesity, heart disease and diabetes. Vegetables Including vegetables in the diet is another one of the dietary tips for schizophrenia patients. Vegetables have minerals, vitamins, fiber, and almost no calories. Vegetables such as lima beans, sweet potatoes, broccoli, mushrooms, peas, cucumber, eggplant, and kidney beans are rich in potassium and help to maintain blood sugar levels. Spinach is loaded with folate, an element that helps to cope with schizophrenia symptoms.
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Foods to Avoid for Gout

Foods to Avoid for Gout

Gout is a kind of arthritis and has similar symptoms, such as pain, tenderness, redness, and inflammation. The main reason for gout is a high level of uric acid in the blood which causes crystals to forms and accumulate in and around a joint. Lowering uric acid levels can help relieve or prevent symptoms. Here is a list of food triggers for gout patients. Purines Consuming a lot of vegetables is good for overall health and helps lower uric acid levels as well. Some studies show that some purines, present in animal and plant foods, may aggravate gout symptoms, as the body converts them into uric acid which results in gout. Animal-based foods, high in purines, make a person prone to develop gout. Abstain from eating red meat and organ meat, such as beef, grouse, mutton, pork, ham, chicken, partridge, pheasant, goose, turkey, duck, and seafood such as lobster, sardines, crab, oysters, shrimps, anchovies, scallops, tuna, trout, mackerel, salmon, and haddock or have them in moderation. One can also consult their doctor for food triggers for gout patients. Vegetables such as asparagus, spinach, mushrooms, and cauliflower also contain purines, so one should limit their consumption of these vegetables. Alcohol Alcohol tops the list of food triggers for gout patients.
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Dietary Tips to Keep Migraines at Bay

Dietary Tips to Keep Migraines at Bay

A migraine is a type of constant headache often accompanied by nausea, vomiting, and sensitivity to sound and light. It is usually experienced on one side of the head and may cause a lot of restlessness and discomfort. Following a healthy lifestyle and avoiding foods that trigger this condition is one of the best ways to keep migraines at bay. Here are some simple dietary tips to prevent migraines. Do not skip meals If you suffer from migraines often, fasting and skipping meals is a strict no-no. Hunger alleviates sugar levels in the body and causes a headache. Therefore, have meals on time and snack on something healthy in between meals. Have foods that are nutritious and rich in fiber and protein. Your brain gets energy from the foods you eat and a lack of energy may result in a throbbing headache or migraine. Consume caffeine wisely This is one of the most important dietary tips to prevent migraines. While large amounts of caffeine may trigger a severe migraine, complete and sudden withdrawal may also lead to the condition. Many times, caffeinated drinks such as tea, coffee, and soda also help soothe a migraine by narrowing the blood vessels. Therefore, be mindful and consume caffeinated drinks in moderation to prevent a migraine.
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High Fiber Snacks to Help Manage IBS

High Fiber Snacks to Help Manage IBS

Irritable bowel syndrome or IBS is a common condition of the intestines. It is uncomfortable and can cause stomach pain, cramps, flatulence, bloating, and changes in bowel movement. Making the right changes to one’s lifestyle and having a high fiber diet can improve bowel function and ease the symptoms though. So, here is a look at some high fiber snacks for IBS that may help. Oatmeal Packed with soluble fiber, this is a healthy and wonderful option for those suffering from irritable bowel syndrome. One can have a bowl of oatmeal for breakfast or as a snack at any time of the day. If they are experiencing severe IBS, having oatmeal for dinner may also help. One can also add some bananas, raspberries, strawberries, and blueberries to their oatmeal to improve the taste and increase soluble fiber intake. Potatoes with skin If one loves potatoes, they can use them to make high fiber snacks for IBS. Eating potatoes with the skin provides soluble fiber to the body and eases irritable bowel syndrome. All one needs to do is roast or bake potatoes with their skin and season them with salt and pepper. Sweet potatoes They are nutritious, delicious, and perfect to satisfy a sweet tooth.
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COPD Food Triggers to Avoid

COPD Food Triggers to Avoid

Prolonged inflammatory lung problems that cause difficulty in breathing is termed as a chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Common indicators of COPD are cough, wheezing, difficulty in breathing, and excessive mucus production. It is initiated by continued exposure to harmful gases. If one has COPD, they will have to alter many aspects of their daily life. The most important change will be in the foods they eat. Listed below are few food triggers for COPD. Cured meats and cold cuts Nitrate is a preservative that is present in cold cuts and processed meats to preserve their color and extend their shelf-life. These are not healthy food options for people with COPD. If these processed meats are consumed in large amounts, it might worsen the lung condition. Foods that one must avoid are hot dogs, bacon, salami, and ham. Fried food Fried food is one of the most common food triggers for COPD. It contains a lot of oil and fats and takes time to digest. After eating fried food, one’s stomach will feel bloated. This bloating causes difficulty in breathing, especially in a person who is suffering from COPD. Fried food also lowers metabolism and increases belly fat. This puts an added burden on the diaphragm, thus leading to difficulty in breathing.
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Foods that Help Control Depression

Foods that Help Control Depression

The most important yet ignored aspect to combat depression is the food we eat. Food plays an important role in maintaining one’s emotional, mental, and physical health. If a person is depressed, they should avoid food items that trigger it. Small dietary changes in one’s daily routine can have a positive effect on their mental health and help to reduce the symptoms of depression. Listed below are some foods to help manage depression. Nuts Nuts are one of the most effective foods to help manage depression. Hazelnuts, cashews, and walnuts can help to avoid depression with walnuts being the most effective. These nuts are a rich source of omega-3 fatty acids and protein. The former supports overall brain health whereas the latter helps to maintain blood sugar levels, thereby alleviating the symptoms of depression. Beans Beans are a rich source of protein and fiber. They help to keep one’s body weight as well as sugar levels in check so there are no dips or spikes that result in mood swings. Besides, they also help to stabilize and keep one’s weight in check. Fish Most oily varieties of fish such as salmon, sardines, trout, tuna, and mackerel are among the top foods to help manage depression.
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Dietary Tips to Manage Ulcerative Colitis

Dietary Tips to Manage Ulcerative Colitis

Ulcerative colitis (UC) is an inflammatory bowel disease that affects the inner lining of the large intestine, resulting in painful ulcers. Every now and then, the symptoms of this aggravating condition can flare-up, causing immense discomfort. Certain foods and dietary patterns can ease the symptoms and offer relief. Here, we will talk about some essential eating tips for patients with ulcerative colitis. Consume fish and lean meats Generally, it is believed that fatty foods contain certain chemical substances that can worsen the symptoms of inflammatory diseases. However, some fats are termed as “good fats” as they can help to ease the condition. Fatty fish, such as sardines, tuna, mackerel, salmon, etc., are rich in omega-3 fatty acids that can reduce inflammation. So, when choosing protein, one must opt for fish, turkey, or skinless chicken instead of red meat. Cook vegetables thoroughly Raw vegetables and fruits can sometimes be difficult to digest and cause gas, bloating, and stomach aches during a flare-up. So, one must cook their vegetables properly before consuming them. Eat smaller meals This is one of the most helpful eating tips for patients with ulcerative colitis. To avoid a flare-up, one must opt for smaller meals throughout the day instead of the typical breakfast, lunch, and dinner routine.
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