Foods to Avoid with Osteoporosis

Foods to Avoid with Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a condition that causes thinning and weakening of the bones, which often leads to increased bone fractures. The cause of osteoporosis is still uncertain, but we know that bone remodeling usually stops when we reach our late 20s. This condition can affect any type of bone in the body, but the most commonly affected are the hips, spine, and wrists. A few symptoms of osteoporosis include deteriorating posture, loss of height over time, and back pain caused by a collapsed or fractured vertebra. There are few foods doctors recommend to avoid for patients with osteoporosis: 1. Alcohol The bones of the human body need calcium in order to function and grow properly. Alcohol should be avoided because it stops the pancreas from absorbing calcium and vitamin D. It also stops the liver from activating vitamin D. Since vitamin D is needed for calcium absorption, this could be detrimental to someone if they are a heavy drinker. Alcohol can also lower the amount of estrogen the body produces. Lower estrogen contributes to a slower bone remodeling process which eventually leads to bone loss. 2. High sodium foods Salt in high amounts should be avoided for those with osteoporosis. Too much salt can trigger a certain molecule that will allow more salt to leave through the bladder.
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Foods to Avoid with Diabetes

Foods to Avoid with Diabetes

Diabetes is a disease that affects the way the body processes sugar. There are two main types of diabetes. Type 1 diabetes usually occurs in children. In this case, the pancreas does not produce enough insulin. Type 2 diabetes occurs when the body develops insulin resistance. Diabetes symptoms include an increase in thirst, hunger, and urination, blurred vision, and frequent infections. Food plays an important part in a diabetic’s life, and here are some foods to avoid in order to keep blood sugar stable and healthy: 1. Drinks containing sugar Just about everyone can agree that soda does not do anyone any good. However, other beverages contain the same amount of sugar as soda. Take orange juice for example. A 12-ounce glass of OJ is equal to a 12-ounce glass of soda. Watch out for sweetened coffees and teas, sports drinks, and even chocolate milk. 2. Dried fruit The problem with dried fruit is that the water is removed, which means the sugar becomes concentrated. So, the sugar content is greater in dried fruit. For example, there are three times the amount of carbs and calories in a cup of raisins as opposed to a cup of grapes. It is better to just eat the grapes.
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Smoothies for Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain Relief

Smoothies for Rheumatoid Arthritis Pain Relief

Morning stiffness, hot and swollen joints, and sudden flare-ups of immobility are all symptoms of rheumatoid arthritis (RA), which may make it difficult to enjoy life and get back to the things that you once enjoyed doing. Your doctors may have recommended different medications with various levels of success, but many RA drugs have negative side effects. While natural remedies are no replacement for medication and physical therapy provided by a health professional, certain foods and drinks (like smoothies) may contain anti-inflammatory benefits that can help ease pain and stiffness. Here are some of the best smoothie ingredients for RA sufferers: 1. Coconut oil smoothie Multiple studies have shown that coconut oil is a surprisingly effective treatment for reducing swelling and inflammation caused by arthritis. Coconut oil is a natural source of medium-chain fatty acids, which contain disease-fighting properties that kill off viruses and bacteria. It won’t cure your arthritis, but adding coconut oil to your smoothie can reduce your pain and swelling and help you get back to enjoying life again. 2. Pea protein powder smoothie Typically used by fitness buffs, pea protein powder can also boost your immune system and give you the extra protein you need to ease the symptoms of arthritis.
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Keto Diet Foods to Avoid

Keto Diet Foods to Avoid

A ketogenic diet is a low-carb, high-fat diet. In a typical diet, about half the calories come from carbs. Your body then converts carbohydrates to glucose, which acts as fuel. When you’re on a keto diet, you eat mostly fat, some protein, and very few carbs. Since your meals include minimal carbs, your body is forced into ketosis and burning fat for energy. The fat may be from either the food you eat or the fat stored in your body. In addition to losing or maintaining weight loss, a keto diet helps keep a healthy blood sugar level and avoid the mid-afternoon desire for a nap. The takeaway is to keep carbs to a minimum when you’re following a keto diet because they undermine weight loss and the benefits of a keto diet. Here is a list of familiar foods that are keto diets don’ts: 1. Potatoes and sweet potatoes White potatoes are high in carbs and should be avoided in a keto diet. Sweet potatoes have more fiber than white potatoes, but like white potatoes, they are a carb-laden food. If you’re on a keto diet, pass on all the potato dishes. 2. Peas Although peas pack a lot of protein, they also are a high-carb vegetable.
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Foods to Avoid With Rheumatoid Arthritis

Foods to Avoid With Rheumatoid Arthritis

Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is a condition that occurs when the body’s immune system mistakenly attacks the lining of the joints. Extreme joint pain, inflammation, and limited mobility are the main symptoms of RA. Other symptoms may include weight loss, fatigue, and fever. RA can typically be managed with medication and physical therapy. However, many patients benefit with dietary changes that reduce symptoms. Here are some foods to avoid if you have rheumatoid arthritis: 1. Dairy products If you love milk, cheese and ice cream, then it is a good idea for you to switch to non-dairy alternatives. Dairy products contain a protein that can irritate the lining of the joints. If you are concerned about getting enough protein and calcium, then you can eat nut butters, lentils, beans and leafy greens. 2. Alcohol Most people are well aware of the fact that consuming too much alcohol can lead to a myriad of health problems. It can also worsen your rheumatoid arthritis symptoms. If you drink alcohol, then it is best for you to cut down on your consumption of it if you do not want to completely eliminate it from your diet. 3. Red meat Red meat has a lot of saturated fat in it.
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The Worst Breakfast Foods for Diabetics

The Worst Breakfast Foods for Diabetics

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And if you are diabetic, it’s important for you to start the day with food and drink that will energize you, but not cause your blood sugar to spike. It’s also vital to follow a low sugar diet if you are a diabetic. Not all breakfast foods are created equal, and there are a number of common and store-bought breakfast foods that you should avoid if you suffer from type 1 or 2 diabetes, such as: 1. Fruit on the bottom yogurt Unsweetened yogurt or plain Greek yogurt can be a great breakfast choice for patients with diabetes if you add some fresh berries. This simple option is low in both carbohydrates and sugar. However, fruit on the bottom yogurt does not make a great breakfast choice for diabetics as it’s high in refined sugar and lacks protein compared to plain Greek yogurt. 2. Cinnamon rolls Cinnamon rolls are extremely high in sugar and empty starches, which both worsen the symptoms of diabetes by causing blood sugar spikes. While a filling breakfast is important, so are options that will keep you satisfied for more than a few hours. Instead, opt for a nutrient rich option, like a hardboiled egg and a handful of unsalted almonds, which are rich in healthy fats and protein, but contain no added sugar.
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5 Foods to Skip for Smooth Sailing

5 Foods to Skip for Smooth Sailing

Got a cruise scheduled this winter? Between Turks and Caicos Beaches Booking, Silversea Cruises, Princess Cruises, and more, there are so many amazing options. Get ready for beautiful scenery, fun activities and excursions, and delicious food—but before you eat just anything, you should know that there are some foods to avoid. If you want to enjoy your vacation and not get sick, we recommend leaving these foods on the serving platters: 1. Sushi While sushi bars have great appeal, it is probably best to avoid the delicacy, especially when it comes to raw sushi. Sushi and other raw food items need to be kept at a temperature of 40 degrees or colder, and if it’s been sitting out at a buffet, it can be hard to maintain this temp. This makes sushi a breeding ground for bacteria which can make you very sick—so it’s best to avoid that California roll and opt for something else. 2. Food that isn’t very hot Buffets are one of the main attractions of dining on a cruise; however, it’s important to note that hot foods must be kept at a temperature of 140 degrees or higher to kill bacteria and be safe to consume.
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