Top Hair Removal Products and Methods
As summer approaches and dresses and skirts take precedence over trousers, removing body hair becomes a common concern. Having smooth, hair-free skin boosts self-confidence and makes your outfits look better. Today, there are many different types of hair removal products and techniques you can choose to use.
A razor
As long as you do not nick yourself, shaving is the most painless way to remove body hair. It is also the quickest form of hair removal. The effects of removing body hair this way can last for one to three days. This is because it only removes the visible hair follicles. Shaving is great as a last-minute solution.
Depilatory cream
Like shaving, using creams to remove body hair is painless. However, before using such creams, you should always do a patch test to ensure that you do not have an allergy. The creams work by dissolving the visible hair follicles. After a few minutes, you can simply wipe the cream away and rinse your skin.
Of all the different types of hair removal products, waxing offers the longest-lasting results. However, it is also a painful form of hair removal. This involves removing not just the hair visible on the skin but the entire hair follicle from the roots. The disadvantage of waxing is that you must wait for the hair to grow a certain length before you can wax it off. On the other hand, the advantage of this type of body hair removal is that the effects last for up to six weeks. Another advantage is that waxing can also help to remove dead skin.
Epilators also remove hair follicles from the roots. However, it is a slow process and it can take longer to remove all the body hair from your limbs with an epilator rather than waxing. On the other hand, it works wonders on really short hair as well.
In addition to the products above, laser hair removal is also available in the market. Here’s some information on this technique.
- While most of the different types of hair removal products have temporary effects, laser hair removal has more longer-lasting results.
- Laser hair removal must be done by professionals and should not be attempted on your own.
- Body hair will eventually grow back but it should grow at a much slower pace and the growth should be thinner.
- Laser hair removal is also the most expensive amongst all the different types of hair removal products.
There are a number of factors that can help you choose from the different types of hair removal products. When you have time to spare you can pick hair removal modes such as waxing but if you’re in a hurry, using a razor may be quicker. Your budget is important too. Shaving is the cheapest of all forms of hair removal while laser treatment is at the other end of the spectrum.