The Worst Breakfast Foods for Diabetics

The Worst Breakfast Foods for Diabetics

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. And if you are diabetic, it’s important for you to start the day with food and drink that will energize you, but not cause your blood sugar to spike. It’s also vital to follow a low sugar diet if you are a diabetic. Not all breakfast foods are created equal, and there are a number of common and store-bought breakfast foods that you should avoid if you suffer from type 1 or 2 diabetes, such as:

1. Fruit on the bottom yogurt
Unsweetened yogurt or plain Greek yogurt can be a great breakfast choice for patients with diabetes if you add some fresh berries. This simple option is low in both carbohydrates and sugar. However, fruit on the bottom yogurt does not make a great breakfast choice for diabetics as it’s high in refined sugar and lacks protein compared to plain Greek yogurt.

2. Cinnamon rolls
Cinnamon rolls are extremely high in sugar and empty starches, which both worsen the symptoms of diabetes by causing blood sugar spikes. While a filling breakfast is important, so are options that will keep you satisfied for more than a few hours. Instead, opt for a nutrient rich option, like a hardboiled egg and a handful of unsalted almonds, which are rich in healthy fats and protein, but contain no added sugar.

3. Bagel with cream cheese
There are several reasons that you do not want to have a bagel with cream cheese for breakfast if you’re a diabetic. Bagels promote inflammation, which can worsen the symptoms of type 2 diabetes. Many people also top their bagels with cream cheese, which is high in trans fats and can make this breakfast option even less healthy. Bagels are naturally high in calories. You will add even more fat and calories to the bagels by topping them with cream cheese. If you want to have a bagel, toast half of a whole grain bagel and top with smashed avocado and tomatoes.

4. Sugary cereal
Cereal is a staple breakfast option. However, you will need to pay close attention to ingredients if you are a diabetic. Store-bought cereals are harbingers of hidden sugar, which cause your blood glucose level to rise drastically. Not only are sugary cereals bad for your blood sugar, but they are also bad for your overall health as they contain a ton of added sugar and calories in a tiny portion. If you want the comfort of cereal, try a ¼ cup of plain oatmeal topped with plain yogurt and fresh berries.

5. Sweetened juices
Not only do you want to make sure that you are eating healthy, but you will also need to opt for healthy breakfast drinks. Sweetened fruit juices and fruit cocktails do not have any nutritional value, just tons of sugar in a glass. In fact, many brands can be just as bad for you as soda. If you want a fresh fruit drink, opt for a smoothie blended with fresh fruit and plain Greek yogurt.