The Best Teeth Aligners and Braces Online

The Best Teeth Aligners and Braces Online

Crooked teeth may be a source of embarrassment when smiling. Misaligned teeth can also cause pain when chewing, interfere with speech, and lead to increased tooth decay. Luckily, dental professionals have created several easy ways to correct the issue including traditional braces, retainers, and even by using clear aligners in the comfort of your own home.
Here are the most effective braces and teeth aligners available online:

1. Smile Direct
Smile Direct Club offers teeth alignment at a fair price that’s reportedly 60% cheaper when compared to traditional metal braces. Safety measures are taken to make people use Smile Direct aligners with peace of mind. For mildly crooked teeth, many users report great results in as little as four months. Payments for Smile Direct are as low as $85 per month. All you need to do is consult with your dentist prior to using the treatment option. Users can choose to wear their aligners only at night or also during daytime as there are two types of aligners offered for day and night use. Smile Direct is often recommended by teens due to the comfort and friendly design.

2. Byte
Another clear aligner designed to work from home is Byte. This company has orthodontists on staff who direct the treatment from remote locations so it’s ideal for those who would like to limit dental office visits while improving their smiles. Monthly payments are accepted, making the treatment affordable for many. Users can opt for all day aligners that are known to show quick results. Byte also offers a free premium whitening treatment.

3. Snap Correct
Patients using Snap Correct have a team of orthodontists available and involved in designing their unique aligners to meet their unique teeth needs. These professionals take that into consideration and design aligners that work and fit uniquely for each patient. Snap Correct offers alginers in an easy-fit snap design that’s comfortable to wear and remove for eating and cleaning. Patients can opt to pay in a lump sum or for monthly installments.

4. Smile Love
Smile Love promises to straighten smiles in as little as eight months. It works in three easy steps. An impression kit is sent to the patient’s dentist to mold the right aligners. The kits are then built and sent to patients to wear them at home. During treatment, there are no orthodontist visits required as patients are monitored remotely by Smile Love staff. These aligners also come with a free premium whitening treatment for best results.