6 Refreshing Summer Cocktails

6 Refreshing Summer Cocktails

How can summer be complete without sweet and heady cocktails? Well, if you think heading out isn’t the best idea in the scorching heat, a few basic kitchen ingredients and good-quality alcohol can help you make some of the most popular summer cocktails at home. Let’s see what you need to enjoy summertime with family and friends:

  • Tequila cocktails with raspberries and watermelon: Summer is the season of watermelons, and what better way to enjoy the fruit than in a cocktail? In a wine glass, add some silver tequila and top it with cold watermelon juice. Add some crushed raspberries, mint, and some fresh lemon juice, and enjoy the drink cold.
  • Eggy summer fizz: In a shot glass, add some rum and ice and top it with a few tablespoons of ginger syrup, peach juice, and lime/lemon juice. Top with beaten and frothy egg white and serve.
  • Long Island iced tea: This is one of the most popular summer cocktails and is quite easy to make at home too. Mix gin, white rum, tequila, fresh orange liqueur, and vodka in equal measures (1/2 oz.) in a tall glass. Add some sugar syrup and lime juice and top it up with some cold coke. You can use lemon wedges to garnish your summer drink.
  • Watermelon sangria: A wine-based cocktail, sangria is another most popular summer cocktail that can instantly lift your spirits. In a blender, add the wine of your choice with watermelon, some rum, sugar, and juice from a whole lime. Blend together and refrigerate for a little while before serving. Don’t forget to add some lemon wedges to the glass. You can also add small cubes of cut watermelon to the drink.
  • Aspen crud: Craving some ice cream? If so, this is the drink for you. This summer cocktail is easy to make and delicious to taste. Blend 3oz. of bourbon of your choice with 2-3 large scoops of vanilla ice cream, and transfer it to a tall glass for serving. This cocktail is sure to keep your friends asking for seconds!
  • Piña colada: Another popular summer drink you can enjoy making at home is the piña colada, so get yourself some pineapple juice and fresh coconut cream. Blend some ice cubes, sugar syrup, pineapple juice, and coconut cream until smooth and creamy. Add some rum to a tall glass and top it with the cream mixture. Garnish with pineapple wedges before serving. Piña colada is super creamy, refreshing on the palate, and will make you feel like you are on a beach holiday.

Who knew that the most popular summer cocktails could be so easily whipped up at home? The next time you’re inviting friends over for a weekend party, awe them with your amazing cocktail skills by using these recipes.